Band of the Day: Fang Island

Oh, the joys of accidental day-making discoveries. A scan through Bandcamp’s plethora of new and popular artists led me to find a Brooklyn alt-rock band intriguingly called Fang Island. The name’s attributable to The Onion as it turns out, but the music they produce under the guise of Fang Island is most certainly their own making, described as “music for people who like music” with an “everyone high-fiving everyone” vibe.

That’s an awesome and fairly apt way of describing Fang Island’s emphatic, triumphant guitar-heavy sound. ‘Day of the Great Leap‘, their first album independently released five years ago, is full of fervour and fearsome strumming. This was followed up a year later with a three-track EP ‘Sky Gardens‘ before Sargent House – the label who curently have the incredible RX Bandits signed to them – released Fang Island’s brilliant self-titled record.

We’re close to Fang Island’s next major release, ‘Major’ out next month. Two tracks can be streamed right now: both ‘Sisterly’ and ‘Asunder’ promise big things come July 24th.

Curiousity has been rewarded and then some: within minutes I was raving about Fang Island on Twitter and after a discography listening session I bought all the releases I could and scrambled around frantically to throw them into iTunes and onto my phone for travelling.

Guitarists Jason Bartell & Chris Georges and drummer Marc St. Sauveur are the three faces you see at the top of this post; I’d be inclined to thank them all individually for being Fang Island and for bringing me music that will be a soundtrack for not just the day but for weeks to come.

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