Parlez Vous Anglais

We were lucky enough to get some time with French band Parlez Vous Anglais a few weeks back and find out why the should be your band to listen to this summer


Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to sit and talk with us. First of all explain a little bit about yourselves?

Hey 7BitArcade, thanks for getting in touch !

Well Parlez-vous anglais ? is a french electronic disco pop project I started approx. 2 years ago. I started producing a few tracks in my home studio and my friend & soon to be label manager Kanthos told me I should go on… That’s what I did, and eventually a first EP came out on FTW.

At that time I started grounding a live band with 3 friends and we started doing a few live shows (i.e. on the upcoming acts stage at the famous Printemps de Bourges festival). I continued working on new stuff at the same time, went mixing the tracks @ les studios de la seine in Paris and finally the second EP “Sunglasses & Shirts” came out on march 1st.

Now we’re working on the “Sunglasses & Shirts” video clip which should be out pretty soon, and continuing the shows. We’re currently looking for a tour manager that could help us with that by the way. And new tracks are being done at the studio also, so we still have a few things to say 😉

Who can you credit as being your direct inspiration?

Well if I had to choose one, I’d say LCD Soundsystem for the analogic electronic post disco stuff that they do with real instruments. If I had to choose two, I’d add Who Made Who. If I had too choose more I’d say Calvin Harris, The Rapture, Radio 4, etc.

For some reason, the opening track on your EP ‘Considerations’ makes me want to watch 80’s miami movies, or at least be part of an 80’s drug film. What were your thoughts when writing it?

(Actually Considerations is the closing track of the first EP called “Pronounce : Par-ley-vu-en-gley” FYI 😉

Well when writing Considerations, I was more thinking about a Michael Jackson funky track from the 80’s, that I wanted to get transformed into a PVA? track. For example the horns from Michael would become brass synths in the PVA ? track, hope that this sounds clear 🙂

Regarding the vocals that came in second place, I was trying to find some catchy melody and suddenly I started to record shit, talking and talking, so I continued and at the end I thought it was awesome, so I kept it that way !

As a French band, do you have any desire to be on the Kitsuné label?

I’d of course be very proud to have a couple of tracks on the Kitsuné label, for what it represents in music and fashion. But I wouldn’t die if it wouldn’t happen.

Do you have any plans on coming to the UK?

It would be awesome ! We’re talking about doing a few shows in London for the moment but I would really like to do more, Brighton, Manchester… those cities are so full of musical history

Your remix of Pheonix ‘Liztomania’ is brilliant. Who else would you ideally like to remix?

Thanks ! When doing Lisztomania remix, I wanted it to sound a bit like a Whitest Boy Alive track (with a Rhodes & a crunchy Telecaster sound) added with a sort of hip hop beat.

I was thinking about remixing American Boy from Estelle cause I love this track, but still haven’t made my mind yet, since I’d also like to remix smaller acts, in order to help a bit in the “giving in order to get back” kind of way !

Sell yourselves to our readers in 140 characters.

Are you into groovy electronic disco pop kind of things ? Well then you should give some @parlezvousUK to your ears :


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